Life Skills Therapy offers speech therapy in the comfort of your home, private school, or any location of choice! Typically therapy will be done in the comfort of your family room or playroom. We come to your home of the following reasons:
- We teach you to help your child by involving you in the therapy as much as possible
- Research is strong that speech therapy in the home, coupled with a caregiver training program (such as the Hanen program, or Life Skills Therapy), has better results than therapy in a clinic or therapy with no home program
- Children typically feel comfortable in their own home

And as far as planning the therapy activities and games is concerned…. leave that to us! All of the therapists at Life Skills Therapy are trained on the most current modalities in teaching children expressive and receptive language skills, articulation skills, remediating all aspects of speech delay, and teaching kids the foundational aspects of social skills. We bring games and toys that will inspire your child to communicate. From pull-back race cars and farm toys for the little ones, to silly board games and books for the older kids, our therapy modalities ensure that your child will be having fun while working towards their therapy goals – which results in great success!
Here is an example of some toys that we use in home-therapy for the little ones: